Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Desert • 22:51

Thu 2 Feb 2023 @ 2:14
DoW II Elite
ID: 55859412/141786

DL Zog it

Rutank AP
1606 ± 85 1636 ± 85

Mr. Crewfinity CL
2417 ± 265 2040 ± 262
00:14Rutanki should have said pick whatever you're worst at
00:34Mr. Crewfinityprolly ig
00:37Mr. Crewfinitymaybe eldar
00:47Rutanktbh idk what to do vs eldar
00:54Rutank2 scouts not ideal at all
00:54Mr. Crewfinityscouts and asm
00:55Mr. Crewfinityall you need