Elite Stats & Leagues

Fen Dunloch • 29:45

Sat 7 Jan 2023 @ 21:39
DoW II Elite
ID: 55517088/138123

DL Zog it

=]I[= NE EA
2470 ± 204 2561 ± 182

fog LC
2509 ± 175 2440 ± 161
00:06=]I[= NEhf
00:06=]I[= NEL
04:35TrueXofti was about to say "Gasp, no second cata?!?!" but
05:08TrueXoftshotguns be good i guess
05:09Ligti think i should say him the inekuras way to play ig
05:11Ligtwhich is
05:13Ligt3 catas)
15:06TrueXofteversor doesn't have any AV, yeah?
19:41TrueXoftthats bad
19:54The Tensohe has a melta
27:04TrueXoftdamn, the executioner wasn't shooting the vorts
29:12TrueXoftIT's tHa BaaAaAANeeBlaaAAdE
29:45=]I[= NEgg
29:45=]I[= NEwp