Elite Stats & Leagues

Fortuna Sanctum • 16:21

Thu 8 Dec 2022 @ 22:44
DoW II Elite
ID: 55106201/135086

DL Zog it

DawnsElite AP
1484 ± 86 1505 ± 84

Kursywa WB
1571 ± 212 1455 ± 184
00:09Kursywagl hf
00:11Kursywaplaying om
00:39arthurcloudSee if WB does better in this MU
01:01arthurcloudI really wanna see Apo Nades this time
01:11FriendlyLoseStreakDudeWriring letters instead of words sometimes is so confusing lol
01:30arthurcloudOh sorry man hahahaha
01:36arthurcloudWB - Warboss
01:39FriendlyLoseStreakDudeIk ik
01:39arthurcloudMU - Match up
01:45FriendlyLoseStreakDudeJust the word MU annoyed me
01:48FriendlyLoseStreakDudeDunno why
01:53FriendlyLoseStreakDudeAnd in regards to nades
01:59FriendlyLoseStreakDudeIdk if they are any good vs heavy ranged setup
02:09arthurcloudI don't like acronyms either, but after a while you end up writing so much you appre
02:13arthurcloudciate them
02:35FriendlyLoseStreakDudeWe've got chainsword, kinda to be expected
02:40arthurcloudThey are good at handling Stormz
02:43FriendlyLoseStreakDudeProb will go rites and maybe the painkilers
02:55arthurcloudAs you can nade yourself or your Tacs easily without worrying about the effects
02:59arthurcloudAnd sluggas too
03:11arthurcloudYeah Dawn's loves his Sanguine
03:39FriendlyLoseStreakDudeTIs cool wargear
03:52arthurcloudIt certainly is doing it's job here
04:02Kursywafuck you
04:07FriendlyLoseStreakDudeWell, Kursywa screwed up the focus
04:13arthurcloudThat was a rough one for Ork
04:24FriendlyLoseStreakDudeHad he gotten specials scouts could've power shot on sluggas
04:30FriendlyLoseStreakDudeSo prob should've went on tacs instead
04:35arthurcloudThings going so well SM can afford to idle scouts
04:42arthurcloudApo NADES!
05:03FriendlyLoseStreakDudeThis game is quite decisive
05:08arthurcloudIt is
05:13arthurcloudLast one was a lot closer
05:14FriendlyLoseStreakDudeApo is a monster once he levels
05:18arthurcloudAnd all over the place by both
05:27arthurcloudSM not capping their natural req is sending me
05:29Kursywayeah nice
05:38arthurcloudOh wow
05:42arthurcloudThat really isn't good
05:42FriendlyLoseStreakDudeSome agression
06:45GrandMawith this nob leader apo takes some damage now
06:57arthurcloudThe shoota one?
07:10FriendlyLoseStreakDude30 ish piercing dps right?
07:21arthurcloudYeah he does a surprising bit of help in melee
07:23GrandMaid remember
07:36FriendlyLoseStreakDudeTHat's some tech adventage
07:47FriendlyLoseStreakDudeIs Dawns a player who rushes t3?
08:12arthurcloudJust gona mad one gens because he was floating
08:13FriendlyLoseStreakDudePoor warboss
08:40arthurcloudGod this Dread is going to have a field day
09:43GrandMa2 dreads
09:54FriendlyLoseStreakDudeI hope at least one will go AC
09:58arthurcloudWhy not in this case?
10:01arthurcloudHUGE lead
10:31GrandMaoh no
10:31arthurcloudSm really needs to be making the most of this sitch
10:54arthurcloudIf there was ever a time to go T3 early
11:27GrandMawhy truck?
11:32arthurcloudNo idea
11:44FriendlyLoseStreakDudeI've been told, if you have no idea what to build, go truck
12:02arthurcloudBut AV id needed here
12:17arthurcloudSTOP CHASING IT
13:33arthurcloudGod the bleed
13:41FriendlyLoseStreakDudePred not doing much yet
13:45FriendlyLoseStreakDudeAnd never mind
13:55FriendlyLoseStreakDudeIs dred bugged?
14:05arthurcloudJust being a silly goose
14:08GrandMathat truck just hit the wall XD
14:20FriendlyLoseStreakDudeANother pred
14:23FriendlyLoseStreakDudeONe would expect termis
14:23arthurcloud2 Preds
14:26Kursywashut up arthur
14:27FriendlyLoseStreakDudeOch, is he listening>
14:43arthurcloudI messaged him asking him not to say dark stuff earlier
14:56FriendlyLoseStreakDudeThe unlive thineself accident?
15:14arthurcloudIs that Angels of Death?
15:17FriendlyLoseStreakDudeIt will hurt viewer retention
15:27arthurcloudYeah it's just not a good look
15:28FriendlyLoseStreakDudeStill up for termis, or even lr
15:56Kursywai forgot tey are observing
16:00Kursywawatch this