Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 18:13

Fri 11 Nov 2022 @ 22:02
DoW II Elite
ID: 54818048/132948

DL Zog it

B'orn FS
1946 ± 237 1766 ± 208

Ishiro Oninawa TM
1729 ± 108 1767 ± 106
00:05Ishiro Oninawahf =)
00:41arthurcloudIshiro's SM lately has been simply terrific
00:46Slimeyeah it has
01:16arthurcloudCan't stand rangers
01:26arthurcloudIshi loves his Shotguns though, hopefully he can bully them back
01:52arthurcloudEarly MCB hmmm
03:21arthurcloudI was just thinking the same thing
03:34arthurcloudLost his req points I suppose
04:17arthurcloudGet close!
04:23arthurcloudOoh a wipe?
05:08arthurcloudDamn those ASM are going to be needed
05:15arthurcloudPricey T1 for Eldar
06:01arthurcloudYOUR SHEES
06:16arthurcloudJust carried on attacking the gen, got banged
06:37arthurcloudIshi gonna take that bait
06:47arthurcloudGood lad
06:59arthurcloud7th T1 squad for eldar :}
07:42arthurcloudHe is going to need infil for those
07:46arthurcloudGoodness me
08:43arthurcloudoh no
08:58arthurcloudHe needs to work those scouts in, there are no rangers now
09:25arthurcloudGetting a sergeant?
09:41arthurcloudTECH RUSE
10:10arthurcloudI hate retreating from enemy power, takes so long to get home
10:26arthurcloudASM 2nd jump!
10:55arthurcloudIshi needs to get this map back
12:48arthurcloudIshi pleeeeaaassseee capppppp
13:07arthurcloudHe did this in the T2 game against you
13:19arthurcloudGreat map control until T2
13:27arthurcloudAs a fellow T2 wobbler, I know the pain
13:54arthurcloudHe is getting Vangaurds
14:18arthurcloudThey can take banshees
14:26arthurcloudOoft that jump
17:47arthurcloudI need these vehicles to do something
18:05Ishiro Oninawagg
18:08arthurcloudAlthough he does have both points
18:10B'ornGO AGAIN