Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Desert • 18:47

Fri 11 Nov 2022 @ 20:16
DoW II Elite
ID: 54816839/132932

DL Zog it

Ishiro Oninawa AP
1679 ± 111 1729 ± 108

Slime WL
1941 ± 120 1882 ± 116
00:22LoveDueTshould've said to him to go farseer
00:55sanik ruruit's ok, doesn't matter much
01:28arthurcloudIt's often a good move to cap your natural powerside of the map, like this
01:41LoveDueTtonight isn't good , i got shitty random screen freezing
01:42arthurcloudThink you may have done that though tbf
02:09arthurcloudSee how he has his clump together but the scouts are solo?
02:14sanik ruruno i didn't, i will note it
02:18arthurcloudEarly shotguns to control melee
03:05arthurcloudSee now on another race, he might be open for a sneak bash, but not this early from
03:29LoveDueTactually banshee power bash could've worked here too
03:36LoveDueTsm didn't have anything close to there
03:38arthurcloudNeed to be careful now Apo isn't there to heal
03:59LoveDueTsee this arthur
04:08LoveDueThe went for upgraded scouts
04:10arthurcloudSee now, a shotgun squad top left would force the Guardians off
04:17sanik ruruTHIS GRENADE
04:28arthurcloudI didn't disagree SkyLing, scouts are the one
04:48arthurcloudSee how he moves back to the safety of the shotguns
05:04arthurcloudAnd then ran in to pressure rangers
05:30LoveDueTeldar really needs upgraded guardians
06:04LoveDueTwell anyway sm should just go t2 now
06:21arthurcloudA quick rhino would cause absolute havoc
06:36LoveDueTi would save up for dread
06:55arthurcloudThat back cap up top is great to do too
07:00arthurcloudJust uncap, then go away
07:03sanik ruruishiro not doing to add any squad on t1, like dev or asm, i will note it
07:17arthurcloudOnly if the game supports the play
07:23LoveDueTfully upgraded scouts eat a lot of power
07:24LoveDueTthat's why
07:37arthurcloudooft that shotgun blast wasn't the one
08:08arthurcloudWatch this Rhino now
08:19sanik ruruglobal for hero, so no tsm from droppod
08:58LoveDueTthis is where eldar starts getting abit
08:59arthurcloudoh no, what are those scouts doing
09:14LoveDueTeldar went for a lot of upgrades
09:23LoveDueThe should've just skipped the rangers upgrade
09:29arthurcloudAnd that can cost you dearly by delaying T2
09:52arthurcloudHere comes the Rhino to upset the blobby apple cart
10:12LoveDueTdoesn't matter much
10:15LoveDueTsm is throwing
10:24LoveDueThe let eldar get fire dragons
10:33LoveDueTrhino is going to die if it gets close
10:47LoveDueThe could've bashed power like 3 times
10:51LoveDueTbefore eldar got them out
11:11arthurcloudThat uncapped natural req is sending me
11:30arthurcloudone ranger down
11:33arthurcloudand one hero down
11:42LoveDueTless pop atleast
11:51arthurcloudEver the optimist
11:52LoveDueThe doesn't need rangers much now anyway
12:20LoveDueThe'll need brightlance
12:38sanik ruruis he going to do assault on dred?
12:45arthurcloudAfter you force a big retreat like that, you are going to want to bash or cap
12:54arthurcloudNot hang around
12:55LoveDueThm i doubt it for now
13:01LoveDueTkeeping it melee works
13:18LoveDueTfire dragons biggest weakness is them being close ranged
13:28LoveDueTbanshess can get fucked by dread
13:36arthurcloudoh dear, the rhino
13:45arthurcloudWL can just kite the dread now
13:49sanik rurut3 for terms?
13:59arthurcloudooh I hope so
14:05LoveDueTit's pretty sure dead
14:09sanik ruruor maybe predator
14:18LoveDueTit's gonna be termies
14:40LoveDueTthat fight should've went to eldar
14:51LoveDueTswitch fire dragons to flamer
14:53LoveDueTfocus scouts
14:57LoveDueTand then beat dread
15:09arthurcloudSurprised to see power axe
15:09sanik ruruoooooo, the WL, close call
15:36LoveDueT\banshees being useless whole game
15:41arthurcloudWatch for these teleport points
15:41LoveDueTas expected against scouts
15:45arthurcloudThey can give you nasty surprises
15:49sanik ruruhe done purif rites, but also have done better equipment?
16:34arthurcloudISHIIYOUR POWER FFS
16:58sanik ruruyep
17:03sanik ruruthis is predator
17:19LoveDueTit's way too late for falcon
17:20Slimeah gg
17:23Ishiro Oninawagg
17:25Slimei cannot play eldar and have a convo
17:27sanik rurufor dragons i suppose
17:45LoveDueTthen he should've went falcon first instead of WL
17:56LoveDueTand he left
18:02LoveDueTlets boost out of here too
18:15LoveDueTno point in watching IAI
18:22sanik ruruidk, WL is actually was not so bad choice