Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 11:29

Sat 4 Dec 2021 @ 12:10
DoW II Elite
ID: 50504087/95039

DL Zog it

life CL
2237 ± 136 2253 ± 132

Floid HT
1940 ± 267 1890 ± 236
[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthul
00:02Floidgl hf
00:06lifeno japierdole
00:14[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian VorenthulAHHAHAHAHA
00:15Floidwhat is that
00:17[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian VorenthulLMAOOOOOOOOO
00:20lifecl again
00:29Floidits cursed
00:30[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulhe
00:32[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulgot
00:33lifei guess
00:33[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulcl
00:35[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthul4th time
00:36[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulrandomed
00:37[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulin a row
00:38[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian VorenthulLMFAO
01:27FathomI still think the pc would be great against hids especially since you can plop down
01:30Fathoma turret
01:34Fathomand it cant be jummpped
04:01Fathomaww the famed cl holdig up entire forces
05:09[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulou fast tech
05:17[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthis might be lethal for floid if he doesn't see it
05:46Fathomlook at that map cntrol
05:54[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulye life is doing good jon
05:57[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuljob
06:19[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthultho i feel floid also doesn't know how to react to his comp
06:24[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulwhich turbo ez to counter as nid
06:31Fathomnids without map contorl in t1 is like a gg senetence
06:46[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuland you claimed they are broken
06:47[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthul:P
07:04FathomI think elements of them are
07:15[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthullike what exactly
07:21Fathommainly in upkeep and reinforce mechanics
07:23[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthen don't post posts "nids are turbo broken"
07:57Fathomi still think they are best faciton in the game atm
08:01[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulnah
08:02[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulits orks
08:05Fathombut floid doesnt play them that often
08:12[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulfloid doesnt play often at all
08:17[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuli can see he is a bit rusty
08:20Fathomorks is tied wtih chaos for second imo
08:25[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulmmm
08:32[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulmaybe, but i would give that to eldar
08:53Fathomeldar has t1 problems
09:06Fathomthey rely too much on power starts
09:19Fathomand if you bash them immediately the game just becomes very hard for them
09:39[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulsee
09:45[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthat's why crusher isn't that great
09:50[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulag wars are enough to kill it
10:10[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian VorenthulCC HT as well
10:27Fathomi mean nids are broken imo due to how fast they get around the field
10:32Fathomwith such low reinforce
10:34[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulem
10:38Fathomlike when you play ra
10:39[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulotherwise they would be bad
10:46[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulye lol, ra is all about mobility
10:58Fathomi mean against ra, you will never have any mc
11:00Fathommap control
11:04[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulyou will
11:07[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulif you know how to act
11:25Fathomand he has great a.o.e. abilities
11:26[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulgg