Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 24:54

Sun 10 Oct 2021 @ 1:14
DoW II Elite
ID: 49911476/89669

DL Zog it

Maple Knight AP
1500 ± 350 1084 ± 319

KissBegottenMind CL
988 ± 251 1182 ± 239
23:23Maple Knighti think you got me eh?
23:38KissBegottenMindSeems that way lol
23:51KissBegottenMindyou play like you've had more than one match
23:53Maple Knighti had fun,
24:04Maple Knightive watched some of indrid
24:08Maple Knightyes please
24:27KissBegottenMindDevastator marines are great, but . . .
24:41KissBegottenMindonce you saw I had jumpers . . .