Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 30:00

Fri 24 Sep 2021 @ 22:31
DoW II Elite
ID: 49700032/87855

DL Zog it

GuruSkippy WL
2254 ± 72 2257 ± 71

Floid HT
1883 ± 296 1840 ± 263
[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthul
Seed of Power
00:03Gordian Vorenthuloh god it's this map
00:04GuruSkippyfuck me
00:05Gordian VorenthulAAAAAAAAAH
00:05Seed of Powerodd map
00:07Gordian VorenthulMY EYES
00:11GuruSkippyfuck random
00:15Gordian Vorenthuland as drunk it even hurts more
00:16Seed of Powerthey can't hear us right?
00:19Gordian Vorenthulnope
00:24Gordian Vorenthulbtw strider
00:25Striderhe got random spider last game
00:26Gordian Vorenthulhow old are ya
00:28Floidwell not bad
00:32Gordian Vorenthuland now warlocc
00:32Seed of Powerno as in tthey can't
00:35GuruSkippyi'm bad with gaydar
00:40Gordian Vorenthulthey can't
00:42Seed of Powerkk
00:44Gordian Vorenthulomfg
00:46Gordian Vorenthulloooool
00:50Striderwhy couldn't he have gotten fs
00:53Gordian Vorenthuli thought like
00:57Gordian Vorenthul23-24
01:00Gordian Vorenthulbut not 38
01:01Strider2 lame eldar
01:03Strideryea, I'm old
01:11Striderused to be much faster
01:12Seed of Powerwho's 38?
01:15Gordian Vorenthulstrider
01:16Stridertop 300 coh
01:16Gordian Vorenthullmao
01:22Strider15 years ago
01:23Gordian Vorenthuland i am 20 yo bastard xD
01:28Seed of Poweri mean this game came out forever ago
01:34Seed of Powerim 34
01:35Stridernow I'm slow and stupid
01:37Seed of Powerdon't feel bad
01:50Seed of Powernah
01:51Gordian Vorenthulthis ain;t looking good for eldar
02:03Seed of Poweryou don't really feel your age till like 50 anyways
02:12Gordian VorenthulNOOO
02:14Gordian Vorenthulwhy immolator
02:16Seed of Powerand by then you're probably not gonna notice
02:16Gordian Vorenthulguru noooo
02:21StriderI started feeling it 3 months ago when I got shoulder tendonitis
02:28Seed of Powerhahaha
02:35Seed of Poweri was referring to playing games online but yeah
02:36Striderup to that point I was super fit
02:42Seed of Powerword, i started biking
02:50Seed of Powermy doc said my heart is good
02:51Seed of Powers
03:21Strideryea, I cycle 15km every day, did martial arts, never had health issues
04:43Striderhow do piano and pp hold so much territory vs nids, damnit
04:49Striderwith only 3 units
04:50Gordian Vorenthulpp?
04:53Striderguru pp
04:56Gordian Vorenthulah
04:59Gordian Vorenthulexperience
05:09Gordian Vorenthuland knowledge of limits
05:19Striderbut here come the big bugs
05:33Gordian Vorenthulif guru doesn't bleed he will out tech
05:38Gordian Vorenthulcus eco of eldar
05:47Seed of Poweris there a date for the new elite patch?
06:01Gordian Vorenthulprob november
06:05Seed of Powerword
06:39StriderI wish they could address more issues per patch since we only get like 2 per year
06:55Gordian Vorenthulthe delay was due to shoulder being absent
07:30Gordian Vorenthulbut i am afraid of new patch
07:31Gordian Vorenthulsrsly
07:41Gordian Vorenthulorks will become super fucking overpowered with new stuff.
07:57Gordian Vorenthulif adila won't listen to torpid, then we shall be fine
07:59Gordian Vorenthulotherwise
08:00Gordian Vorenthuleh
08:08Gordian Vorenthulimma learn orks cus they will be super op
08:13Striderbecause of the new unit?
08:23Gordian Vorenthulmore
08:24Striderisn't it something low tier?
08:40Gordian Vorenthulcan't really speak about it so
08:57Seed of Powersorry i wasn't paying attention
09:02Seed of Powernew units next patch?
09:20Gordian Vorenthulpretty much
09:23Seed of Powernice
09:23Stridergordi is keeping a lid on it
09:25Gordian Vorenthulretarded ones
09:46Gordian Vorenthuli wanna know who the fuck did maths on them
09:49StriderI'd rather have them work on underutilised stuff
09:56Striderbetter than adding new crap]
10:05Gordian Vorenthuli would have them to fix what's current problems
10:18Gordian Vorenthulops being op, eldar and nid eco too strong
10:28Gordian Vorenthulig being pretty much cheese or lose race
10:55Strideradd penalties for combat repairs, then rework IG accordingly
11:10Seed of Power.
11:20Seed of Powerhuh
11:34Seed of Poweri play elite too casual, i wouldn't mind new content
11:44Seed of Powerits better than vanilla
11:44Gordian Vorenthul3v3 player eh?
11:49Gordian Vorenthulobviously
11:49Strideryea, I'm sure new units will make a lot of people happy
11:56Gordian Vorenthul:)
11:59Gordian Vorenthulnah
12:07Seed of Powerplay a 1v1 every now and again
12:28Striderpreemptive bazookas from bugs?
12:36Gordian Vorenthulhe should just get falcon
12:37Gordian Vorenthullol
12:38StriderI guess he can bash the farm
12:40Gordian Vorenthulfloid is req starved
12:49Seed of Powerman eldar can burn gens so fast
13:14Stridereldar? I'd say they are one of the slower gen bashers
13:17Gordian Vorenthulfuuuuck
13:18Gordian Vorenthulnot wl
13:24Gordian Vorenthulvs venoms
13:28Gordian Vorenthulnever make walkers vs nids
13:36Gordian Vorenthulor these stupid shits will rape them
13:43Gordian Vorenthuloh great
13:44Gordian Vorenthulsb
13:45Gordian VorenthulXDDDDD
13:52Striderbye gordi XD
18:53Seed of Poweromfg he let those venom cannons go
19:19Striderwell, floid forgot about them for a seconds
19:27Striderand then skippy did the same
20:55Seed of Poweroof those guants
21:18Striderhe got the walker
21:22StriderI think this is over
22:20Striderwhat is guru saving up for...