Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 04:28

Thu 21 Jan 2021 @ 6:53
DoW II Elite
ID: 46502489/60987

DL Zog it
00:15a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]what stuff u are on? :)
00:21Im sorry im high.?
00:25Im sorry im high.wdym
02:40a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]guardians are glass cannons
02:57a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]i meant ur nickname :)
03:51a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]tacs are not so gentle with ladies
04:08Im sorry im high.why do ur units do so much more dmg
04:13a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]not more
04:17a===GrizzlyBear[LIVE]i just got more units ;)