Elite Stats & Leagues

Ruins of Argus • 18:07

Sat 4 Jul 2020 @ 20:37
DoW II Elite
ID: 43739608/48566

DL Zog it
King Andrew
00:03Don Fr33man XIIgl hf
00:06Red Beardu2!
00:07Aliceplayer list says bruce is 1
00:08Alicethats top right
00:11Don Fr33man XIIgood
00:21Alicewarboss breaks wall
00:22Alicegoes back
00:23Alicegoes through gate
00:25Don Fr33man XIIspeedy speed boy
00:46Alicehappy independance day bruce
00:56Alicehope i dont get disqualified for that one
01:04Don Fr33man XIIist spam?
01:10Alicei just got fucked by karma
01:13Red Beardgot shootas
02:03Red Beardgot boths hootas
02:05Alicecarry me daddy
02:08Bruce Campbelllol nice
02:08Don Fr33man XIIlol
04:16Red Beardgot wb
04:45Aliceyea i wonder why both pcs are baselocking
04:57Bruce Campbellcome bot so i can stabilise
05:04Bruce Campbellplan not wokring
05:09Bruce Campbelllul
08:07Red Beardgetting pms
08:41Bruce Campbellhavs
11:29Don Fr33man XIIty
13:29Red Beardwb down
13:55Bruce Campbellgot any av?
14:11Red Beardmgm
15:35Bruce Campbellmy bad
16:40Alicet3 coming out
16:42Aliceshould be ours now
16:44Don Fr33man XIInice
16:51Aliceyou're gonna have scoliosis from this game
17:46Alicealmost 10 wb lol
17:50Bruce Campbellnext?
18:02Red Beardfine