Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 18:47

Mon 25 May 2020 @ 6:22
DoW II Elite
ID: 43096924/46705

DL Zog it
08:02Marshalwas not paying attention
09:43PragmaticPotionif you got behind the lines
09:51PragmaticPotionwhy didnt you cap other points?
10:04PragmaticPotiondont remain focus on breaking my back on that particular location
10:06Marshalthought a full attack whould be more fatal
10:14PragmaticPotionwhere I have entrenched stuff
10:52PragmaticPotionthe whole map is blue...
11:00PragmaticPotionso I have resources to keep this going
11:03PragmaticPotionyou dont
12:42PragmaticPotionthats it