Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 16:51

Fri 17 Apr 2020 @ 18:40
DoW II Elite
ID: 42490077/44448

DL Zog it
00:15[BH] Along Came A Spidertime to make bets
00:29[BH] Along Came A SpiderI bet on WL
00:40Davecome on now, took my bet :b
01:01Davehmm is Crydd usually this aggressive?
01:14[BH] Along Came A Spideryou can afford to be with WL I think
01:22[BH] Along Came A Spiderhe's probably going shuri and ranger now?
01:28Davethree gens arleady
01:30Davet2 rush?
01:39[BH] Along Came A Spiderdefinitely shuri, ranger, T2
01:46[BH] Along Came A Spidermaybe fast Wrath lord
02:47[BH] Along Came A SpiderCHANNELING RUNES DA FK
03:08[BH] Along Came A Spiderokay he's definitely memeing at this point
03:34DaveI mean could work as CL or tics w/ gl need to knock over WL
03:46Davemap control has been decent
04:20[BH] Along Came A Spiderhe's gonna lose some gens
04:25[BH] Along Came A Spiderif raptors are coming in
05:47[BH] Along Came A Spidert2 coming
07:09Davedouble raptors?
07:16[BH] Along Came A Spiderwell
07:21[BH] Along Came A Spiderif one raptor doesn't work
07:22[BH] Along Came A Spiderget 2?
07:34Davedid it was csm so why not I guess
07:55[BH] Along Came A Spiderso much float from crydd
07:56[BH] Along Came A Spiderand yet
08:03[BH] Along Came A Spiderhe's holding the map wiht 3 units???
08:05[BH] Along Came A Spider?????????
08:11Daveeldar man
08:18Davegot that mobility for map control
08:20[BH] Along Came A Spidershrui not firing LEL
08:44Davethat channeling
08:52[BH] Along Came A Spiderpretty gud actually lol
09:02[BH] Along Came A Spiderusually shee would lose there to 3 units
09:32[BH] Along Came A Spidercrydd needs firedragon maybe?
09:57Davereapers prob work better
10:05[BH] Along Came A Spideractually
10:07[BH] Along Came A Spiderwarp spiders
10:39[BH] Along Came A Spidercrydd memeing too hard with that float
10:56Daveisn't this a league match too lol
11:16[BH] Along Came A Spiderhe has enough
11:20[BH] Along Came A Spiderfor avatar
11:24[BH] Along Came A Spiderbut not t3 lel
12:16Davegood KtW
12:30[BH] Along Came A SpiderSHEES
12:32[BH] Along Came A SpiderNOOOO
13:00[BH] Along Came A Spiderwtf was he trying do do here
13:26[BH] Along Came A Spider????
13:43Daveidk man lol
13:53[BH] Along Came A Spideryeah that's it man
14:03[BH] Along Came A Spiderggs
14:17[BH] Along Came A Spiderchanneling runes was so smart but idk what he wanted to do beyond that