Elite Stats & Leagues

Leviathan Hive • 22:02

Fri 31 Jan 2020 @ 12:21
DoW II Elite
ID: 41317495/40338

DL Zog it
00:11Ruthless at Heartlol lets see this
00:14Ruthless at Heartwhat are they nerfing?
00:16RiceMuncherthis will prove a point
00:18RiceMuncherno rav
00:30Ruthless at Heartagreed
00:33Ruthless at Heartits the hormas, not the ravs
00:36Ruthless at Heartthat need nerf
00:37RiceMuncherunlike no offnce ur dumb game
00:53Ruthless at Hearti'm not like proving a point to you lol
00:55Ruthless at Heartto myself...
02:06Ruthless at Heartm,y fc wont' fight
02:06Ruthless at Heartwtf
07:40RiceMuncherwtf how many scouts lOl
08:56RiceMuncherwell thats just chetaing
09:04RiceMunchermass shotugns v no rav
09:09Ruthless at Heartlol wtf
09:11Ruthless at Heartyou said