Elite Stats & Leagues

Leviathan Hive • 08:17

Fri 31 Jan 2020 @ 11:48
DoW II Elite
ID: 41317334/40333

DL Zog it
00:09RiceMuncherif its rav spam u winn
00:18RiceMuncherwaht kind of build are u on abt
00:25Ruthless at Heartlets see
00:27RiceMuncherand are u ra?
00:31RiceMunchercoz serzly no point
00:37Ruthless at Heartare they nhefing
00:50RiceMuncherthis is
00:51Ruthless at Heartgood
00:56RiceMuncheri hav a feeling this is dumb
01:01Ruthless at Heartprob
04:55RiceMuncherur build is not new
05:01Ruthless at Hearti know
05:03Ruthless at Heartthis is the twis
07:43RiceMuncheridk what r trying to proe
08:08RiceMuncheru also picka nid map to prove a point?