Elite Stats & Leagues

Argus Desert Gate • 07:23

Wed 19 Jun 2019 @ 20:05
DoW II Elite
ID: 38745172/35256

DL Zog it
00:31[BBG] ak3120glhf
04:29Mycrofttop is theirs
04:31Mycrofti cant vs 2 armies
04:43Mycroftof course this means we just lost all our power too
04:57Mycroftoh nvm
06:35[BBG] ak3120ty for rez
06:48Mycroftthey got this in the bag
06:55[BBG] ak3120gonna rush t3 i think
07:09\V/type less and fight more...
07:20Mycroftthe top gens are gone, that means they win