Elite Stats & Leagues

Selenon Island • 29:12

Sat 1 Jun 2019 @ 16:23
DoW II Elite
ID: 38530609/34883

DL Zog it

Alice AP

ben1993 LC
Shoulder Mount
00:04Shoulder Mountoof
00:15Shoulder Mountthese match ups
00:22Shoulder Mountnever good for piano ;-;
00:36Shoulder Mountat least ben doesn't normally play ig
01:05Aliceoh my god
01:09Shoulder Mountrip
02:40Shoulder Mountasm are gonna rekt those cats ;-;
03:06oLevstunbolter could deal wth power sword
04:02Shoulder Mountvials o.o
04:10Shoulder Mountwhat's the rang on that?
04:49Shoulder Mountaww ;-;
04:59Shoulder Mountpoor pianoz
05:02oLevthoough he would kaboom
06:51oLevwheres the vial?
06:55Alicedid the nade just disappear
06:57Alicecus i def lost energy
06:59Shoulder Mountwalp
07:02ben1993yeah didnt go off
07:11Shoulder Mountthat ied stack
07:17Shoulder MountIf he puts one more there
07:24Shoulder Mountinstant tac wipe
07:34Shoulder Mountno sarg yet either
07:57Shoulder Mounttsk tsk tsk
08:00Shoulder Mountneeded one more
09:17Shoulder Mountded
09:24Shoulder Mountoh
09:26Shoulder Mountnvm
09:29oLev2 slow
09:36Shoulder Mountbionic eyez plz
09:41oLevif they had kb it would be over tho
09:43Shoulder Mounteven if it might be silly
10:15Shoulder Mountyassh
10:17Shoulder Mountthe eyeee
10:23Shoulder Mountof bionic cheessee
13:01oLevapo hackz
13:31Shoulder Mountyay scout sarg
13:56Shoulder Mountthat right side
14:04Shoulder Mountall those explosives lol
14:26oLevassault cannon
14:33Shoulder Mountto uh
14:36Shoulder Mountwell
14:38Shoulder Mountidk
14:45Shoulder Mountasm can fight oyrgns iokay
14:53Shoulder Mountas long as they don't get eyed
14:53oLevbut bionic eye
15:01oLevhe hasnt used it once
15:07Shoulder Mountyarp
16:11oLevwtf were those scouts doing
17:25oLevlol sniped the sarge
19:27Shoulder Mountkung fu op
20:21oLevu nbeed vengeance for ogryns
21:15Shoulder Mountwell that was really really good lol
23:21Shoulder Mountthose cats gonna die
23:25Shoulder Mountleveled asm
23:46Shoulder Mountthose ogyrns gonna diee
23:49Shoulder Mountleveled asm lol
24:08oLevthey shooting battle
24:10Shoulder Mountthe asm legit have more health right now
24:15Shoulder Mountand the strike thingy
24:23oLevits only piercing
24:28Shoulder Mounto:
24:32oLevogryn have sustained kb
24:32Shoulder MountI thought they had power melee
24:44oLevonly sarge has power melee
24:55oLevrip dread
25:09Shoulder Mountripp gms
25:13Shoulder Mountrip
25:14oLevor not
25:16Shoulder Mountrip ben
25:29Shoulder Mountmaybe a libby now?
25:34Shoulder Mountpiano nuuu
25:42Shoulder Mount;-;
26:00oLevmoar tacs
26:07Shoulder Mountben I guess could get some karakins after
26:10Shoulder Mountthe orgyns
26:51oLevlast battle decides the game
28:11Shoulder Mountthose asm are dang silly right nowz