Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 18:21

Fri 1 Mar 2019 @ 13:16
DoW II Elite
ID: 37368313/32478

DL Zog it
Shoulder Mount
00:15Charlyle Graygl hf
00:21[EL] LocalgHostu2
00:47Shoulder MountI believe in you locaaal sniper his commander with that sweet sweet boltar
01:06Shoulder MountooOoo double tacs for both dudes
01:10Shoulder MountI mean scouts
01:22Shoulder Mountgray looks like he wants to rush some asm
02:21Shoulder Mountyup that be an asm rush
03:20Shoulder Mountah fast reaction cancelled flamer got another shotgun
03:31Shoulder MountooOoo tripple scouts for charlyle
03:37Shoulder Mountprobably getting some sniper scouts
04:32Shoulder Mounthuh alright asm to fight asm I guess
04:45Shoulder MountI would have thought double tacs would be good enough
06:00Shoulder Mountlocal no afk your gen basher dudes
06:03Shoulder Mountnooooo
07:30Shoulder Mountman so little red for both sides
08:22Shoulder Mountrip scoutz
10:42Shoulder Mountholy moly that fc
10:48Shoulder Mountabsolutely handled those asm
11:07[EL] LocalgHostfuck
11:11[EL] LocalgHosti was asked shield
11:14[EL] LocalgHost\not grenade
11:16[EL] LocalgHostand that asm
11:17[EL] LocalgHost...
11:36Shoulder Mountthings were going so well at the start :c
12:02Shoulder Mountoh ooohhoho
12:05Shoulder Mountterminator time
13:25[EL] LocalgHostmore scouts for the scout god!@
14:21Shoulder Mountman that sorcerer has one fast hand
14:26Shoulder MountI mean libby
15:37Shoulder Mountwelp local still has a lot of vps to dance around he can turn this around
17:33Shoulder Mountthat dread sure is tanky
18:17[EL] LocalgHostggwp
18:20Charlyle Graygg