Elite Stats & Leagues

Siwal Frontier • 17:01

Mon 18 Feb 2019 @ 3:04
DoW II Elite
ID: 37226243/32222

DL Zog it
Shoulder Mount
00:19Tyrannasgl hf
00:22[EL] NodNerbhf
00:27Shoulder Mountwe aren't making nids op on purpose next patch are we? o:
05:33Shoulder Mountwhat is that exploding heal wargear called?
05:57PapaMillsis it purification rites?
06:41Shoulder MountYea that sounds correct, isn't that pretty good against melee blobs with the asm?
06:48Shoulder MountI really don't know the apoth that well :c
06:49Torpidyes that's it
06:56Torpidit's okay but vials is better
10:31Shoulder Mountrandom for a division
10:39Shoulder Mountrambo*
16:56[EL] NodNerbgg
16:59Shoulder Mountdo spore mines do good damage against gens?