Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 17:13

Sat 26 May 2018 @ 17:07
DoW II Elite 2.7.2
ID: 33947002/25716

DL Zog it

abc CL

Toilailee TM
00:25Toilaileeif you go 2 tic vs ig then you need 2 csm too or go for fast havok and play
00:30Toilaileeconservatively whole t1
00:39abchad to defend my power
00:48Toilaileeye but your havoks didn't even try to do that :P
00:49abcwanked around
02:57abclost my hero as well
03:00abcplenty of mistakes
11:25abcdamn my stupid blind pm purchases
11:37abcbut gotta always be wary against tm
11:40abcplague marines
17:04abcoh lol
17:09abcRetarded beacon