Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 14:27

Mon 23 Oct 2017 @ 4:12
DoW II Elite 2.7.1
ID: 31188915/20499

DL Zog it
Pls no
Bruce Campbell
00:06Bruce Campbellkickin
00:11RiceMuncherBLEED TICS BLEED
00:15Bruce Campbellyou straight up look like pablo escobar homeboy
00:22Mannorothblood for the blood god
00:49Bruce Campbellyou sellin dat cocaine essay?
02:32Torpidwhat is this crazy fast tech
03:18Fenixdoes manno know tics got buffed
03:26Torpidi did say to him lol
03:26Fenixlook at dat poor squad
03:49Torpidhe is just going for some crazy fast tech build
03:55Torpidi like it
03:58Torpidworkso n gtg i suppose
04:42Torpidwow alacrity
04:45Torpidpls get power sword too
05:04Fenixharness of rage :thinking:
05:14Torpidwhy not?
05:19Torpidmakes him tanky but costs less than halo
05:24Torpidand has raptor synergy
05:40Torpidit does grant hp regen u know
05:46Fenixidk you want drain life in t2 so badly
06:27Fenixid rather spend the 30 pwr on havocs
06:39Torpidit's 20 or 25 power
06:41Torpidis it not?
06:46boss20 power
06:48Fenix20 i think
07:07Torpidgets the job done check that hp regen
07:30Bruce Campbellop
07:55Bruce Campbellop and gay
08:02Torpidjust soloing rice's whole army haha
08:24Torpidfor 20power
08:35Torpidand now grant raptor energy
08:45Torpidor not becuz ranged stance
09:37Bruce Campbelli like this chaos build
09:37Torpidguess we will see the new stern av
09:54Torpidi do too bruce
10:02Torpidfast power mass upgrades
10:17Bruce Campbell.
10:23Torpidkeeps upkeep low so you can get the way better chaos t2 squads
10:25A Salt Marinekek life
10:26Torpidlike bl/pm
12:21Torpidgetting a las dev just to kill a bc is so rough isnt it?>
12:31A Salt Marinemeh
12:35Fenixdunno is it
12:45Torpidwell, i guess when you have sterns and a power fist
12:47Bruce Campbellhis havocs controlling fc well so
13:37Bruce Campbellrekt
13:44Torpidnice chaos build
13:44Bruce Campbellmannorekt
14:20Bruce Campbelldenied
14:23RiceMuncherdamn tics