Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 08:55

Wed 27 Sep 2017 @ 10:32
DoW II Elite 2.7.0
ID: 30919939/19457

DL Zog it
00:08Torpidgl hf
00:10Morgan MLGmanhf
02:54Torpidlame how that suppressed the apo haha
03:23Torpidlosing those tacs fucked up my eco too bah
03:36Morgan MLGmanthat model loss was unfortunate indeed
03:46Torpidomg 2 shuri alrdy lol
03:53Torpidcant even counter 1
05:07Torpidand that is how easy it is
05:13Morgan MLGmanwell
08:49Torpidi kjust got asm lol