Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 16:32

Mon 29 May 2017 @ 0:27
DoW II Elite 2.7.0
ID: 29292635/15976

DL Zog it
Riku's Crack Supplier
Ace of Swords
Don Fr33man XII
00:16Rostam 313 (Dow2 Casts)gl hf
00:20[EL] Psychono senti
00:26[EL] Psychochrist he's gonna go for another meme build
00:27[EL] Psychooh there it is
00:31Don Fr33man XIIwell i always go gm first
00:37[EL] Psychowhy
00:40Don Fr33man XIIits objectivly better
00:41Ace of Swords IVhipsters
00:42Don Fr33man XIIless upkeep
00:46Phoenixto cap
00:47Don Fr33man XIIless building time
00:49HUИTEЯ x HUИTEЯand they cam cap
00:50Don Fr33man XIImore caping power
00:58Don Fr33man XIIi only do sent first on quest
01:02Don Fr33man XIIor very short maps
01:05[EL] Psycholad upkeep doesn't matter till you get the sarg on the second GMs
01:09Phoenixace knows my superior capping strats by now
01:20Don Fr33man XIIits better 90% of times
01:23[EL] PsychoWait this is for 1v1 right, so in 3v3 the capping thing doesn't matter?
01:26Ace of Swords IVstick to siderarms you can't into strategy PogCham
01:35Don Fr33man XII3v3 gm first generally better a well
01:41[EL] Psychohey sidearms was a good game in the arcades
01:46Don Fr33man XIIexcept maps like estia solo
01:59Don Fr33man XIIgenerally gm is way better
02:08Phoenixace just too jelly
02:25[EL] PsychoI get senti first to annoy the shit of whatever capper they send to mid :/
02:27Ace of Swords IVdat tactical tic placement
02:42Don Fr33man XIIsenti has low dps and its likely to take more dmg than it does
02:59Don Fr33man XIIand you can actually lose 1st engage if you open like that
04:47[EL] Psychowew
04:50Don Fr33man XIIkek
04:57Don Fr33man XIIhotw could finnish them
05:03Phoenixtrades PogChamp
06:28[EL] Psychocatas getting fotm when
06:29[EL] Psycho;_;
06:33Don Fr33man XIIwow
06:34Don Fr33man XIIdont
06:35Don Fr33man XIIfucking
06:36Don Fr33man XIIdo
06:37Don Fr33man XIIthat
06:37Don Fr33man XIIx
06:39Don Fr33man XIIxd
06:45Don Fr33man XIIpower melee and FoTM shotguns
07:19[EL] Psychorip
07:26Don Fr33man XIIdoubles the dmg
08:22Phoenixmantle of hate already purchased
08:31Don Fr33man XIImisclick
08:38Don Fr33man XIIcause you dont have BC
08:41Don Fr33man XIIor BC to focus
08:58Don Fr33man XIIlike its good
09:03Don Fr33man XIIbut only with DPS to follow
09:15Don Fr33man XIInow with BC makes sense but still
09:19Don Fr33man XIIyou need PM snare
10:41Don Fr33man XIInow slaan is in deep shit
10:47Don Fr33man XIIif he does not get storms asap
10:50Phoenixi am in discord with rostam, coaching him
10:55[EL] PsychoHe's gonna get beheaded
10:59Don Fr33man XIIthen fucking git gud
11:06Don Fr33man XIIcause the choices of mantle
11:14Don Fr33man XIImake no sense
11:27[EL] PsychoNMs shooting themselves lmao
11:35Don Fr33man XIIstorms and int armor should be vg
11:43[EL] Psychogg
11:59Don Fr33man XIIyou have 300 vps
12:03Don Fr33man XII2x storms should do it
12:09[EL] PsychoWell there's one
12:17Don Fr33man XIIhwt is bad choice
12:29[EL] Psychohwt is "I want to lose" choice
12:30HUИTEЯ x HUИTEЯshould send something to bash power
12:38Don Fr33man XIIlol
12:39Don Fr33man XIIthat nm
13:01[EL] Psychothe ST reinforce cost though
13:19Phoenixwhat about it
13:19Don Fr33man XIIthe 3x cap tho
13:24Don Fr33man XIIthat is why 2x storms
13:36[EL] Psychoit's expensive as fug
13:43Don Fr33man XII200+400 req
13:46Don Fr33man XII600 req?
13:49Don Fr33man XIIfor 2 squads
13:51Don Fr33man XIIcheap AF
13:52[EL] Psychono no the reinforce
13:58Don Fr33man XIIwell
14:05Don Fr33man XIIthey rarely bleed AK ST
14:55[EL] Psychodat single burst suppression
15:08Don Fr33man XIIdred is worse choice than BL
15:17Don Fr33man XIIcause of HWT , INQ and melta
15:19[EL] Psychogee bill two dreads
15:47Phoenixrostam king of grudges
16:18[EL] Psychoslaan got religion of peace'd