Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 14:25

Fri 26 May 2017 @ 19:07
DoW II Elite 2.7.0
ID: 29255740/15960

DL Zog it
Morgan MLGman
00:03Don Fr33man XIIgl hf
00:07Now it is all gonewhat?
00:08Now it is all goneFuck you scum
00:26Now it is all goneI will def lose
00:30Now it is all gonebecause you are the best player here
00:35Now it is all gonebut that doesnt mean I am the worst here
00:37Don Fr33man XIIthen you deal with consequences
00:37Now it is all goneso fuck you
00:38Zevargelmost mad grudge i ever saw
00:47Zevargeljust are blowing up
00:55Nurlandthe salt is real
00:59Zevargelfreeman even get main omg
04:11Zevargelhe is not so bad
04:25Morgan MLGmanwe literally just said the same thing XD
04:26bossmore salter than corn
04:50Zevargelhuge army and he still in game
05:02bosshe ok in 1s
05:02Zevargelusualy any noob already leave against freemans IG
13:56Don Fr33man XIIever blacked
14:05Now it is all gonenot bad for someone you would kick huh?
14:05Now it is all gonescum
14:06Morgan MLGmanno
14:09Morgan MLGmanblacked
14:09Don Fr33man XIIyeah
14:11Don Fr33man XIIyou are decent
14:23Don Fr33man XIIthat is why 60 nn