Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 23:33

Sat 20 Aug 2016 @ 3:46
DoW II Elite 2.5.1
ID: 23375532/10692

DL Zog it
Paper Cipher
Pls no
Morgan MLGman
00:12[Turbine] [EL] Cyrisgl, hf
00:29PaperBaGtorpid has been on an absolute no mercy killing spree since i got lucky he played
00:33Torpidgl hf
00:34PaperBaGa bad game and i beat him
01:09Torpidone of my worst maps this
01:13Torpidstatistically anyway
02:52PaperBaGoh shit i thought it got out
02:55PaperBaGwith 1 hp
09:53Kickindecent game
12:09Kickinnice nade there
13:05Kickingenes now?
13:13Morgan MLGman VIno why
13:14Morgan MLGman VIno ASM
13:28Kickinyes the only time you ever want genes is for asm
13:29[Turbine] [EL] Cyrislol
13:30Kickinno man
13:37[Turbine] [EL] Cyrisstop and roar
13:38[Turbine] [EL] Cyrisnice
14:46Kickinmore ravs maybe
14:49Kickinwith syn
15:56Morgan MLGman VIdread next
16:25Kickinnow tm will basically heal up totally
17:01Kickingoing to have to flank that turret for sure
17:05Kickindoesn't know it yet though
18:27Kickinthat hold
18:30Kickinturret ftw
18:59Morgan MLGman VImelta dread next
19:00Morgan MLGman VI^^
19:15Kickinwould be a repeat of that one game
19:21Morgan MLGman VIyep
20:22Morgan MLGman VIwow
20:28Morgan MLGman VIhe skipped the 2nd dread
20:34Morgan MLGman VItank then
21:00Kickintm finally ded
22:23Morgan MLGman VIbs does plasma cannon damage
23:29[Turbine] [EL] Cyrisgg