Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 10:21

Sun 3 Apr 2016 @ 22:29
DoW II Elite 2.5.1
ID: 19324989/5490

DL Zog it
Morgan MLGman
Bruce Campbell
00:10[EL]Aguxyzgl hf
01:53BaldElementaldat 3 slugga
01:53Bruce Campbelli wanna see mathis vs vert
02:07Inquisitor LeVertmathis will rek my ass
02:16Bruce Campbelldoubt it
02:17Inquisitor LeVerthe's been playing a lot recently and I'm fresh off the boat from playing rpgs lol
02:32Bruce Campbellwhat rpg's?
02:38Inquisitor LeVertdragon age inquistion and fallout 4
02:51Bruce Campbellfo4 was garbage
02:56BaldElementalModout 4
03:08Inquisitor LeVertyeah, base game is really really mediocre but I do like it with mods
03:27BaldElementalsomeone is saying he will make a 40k mod
03:40Inquisitor LeVertha, nice execute-barrage combo
03:42BaldElementalspace marine power armor, after the modding tool is out
03:58Inquisitor LeVertexecute barrage in retail was the best though hehe
04:25Inquisitor LeVertmathis is a master of positioning
04:35Inquisitor LeVertthe fact that he has so much map control vs an IG going 4x melee is just amazing
04:59Bruce Campbellhis hive tyrant is strong af
05:21Inquisitor LeVerthe's really good with the tanky melee heroes in general since he
05:24Inquisitor LeVertpositions them so well
05:41BaldElementalI think just get 2 sentinel is good
05:47Adila VIIIwell and has a kind of zerg strat for each one ^^
05:54Inquisitor LeVertyeah I agree I defo would have gone 2 sent here
06:15Inquisitor LeVertlosing the lc is big blow, him with the powr sword wrecks sluggas
06:35BaldElementalnormally you get CATA for anti melee,but here you just try to avoid every melee
08:44Inquisitor LeVertnow the nobs come out and it becomes utterly uncontrolable
10:17[EL]Aguxyzi suck now
10:21Big Mathisgg