Elite Stats & Leagues

Judgment of Carrion • 11:15

Thu 7 Jan 2016 @ 7:11
DoW II Elite 2.4.2
ID: 14382395/400

DL Zog it
00:24Texgl hf
00:26King Kayyo manno
00:28Texthx for the games tonigth!
00:29[EL] Black_Relicu2
00:33[EL] Black_Relici try
00:33Mannorothyeah ?
00:37[EL] Black_Relicgetting better
00:39[EL] Black_Relici think
00:45King Kaycan I add you and we play sometime? :D
01:01King Kayfor sure, bro, after this
01:13Mannorothplay after this ?
01:24King Kayoh nah, my gf is forcing me to watch Archer LOL
01:59Mannorothwas about to say its pretty late here for me
02:08Mannorothi going to sleep after this game
02:10King Kaywas just writing that you had written that before lol
02:29King Kayany time tomorrow, though !
02:33King KayI wanna see what the #1 has !
02:52Mannoroth#1 my ass
03:01King Kaylmao
11:11[EL] Black_Relicnopwe