How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

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How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Nehkrosis » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 9:18 am

Was chatting to friends the other day, they're tempted to begin playing and the topic of bum heroes came up.

We all used to play League of legends together, so they wanted my opinion on whether there were any bad heroes, or builds on any heroes they should avoid, but I just couldn't say, my experience is limited to only a few factions/champs.

What would you guys say?
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Element » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 1:42 pm

Force Commander

Chaos Lord
Plague Champion

Warpspider Exarch

Hive Tyrant
Lictor Alpha
Ravener Alpha

Imperial Guard
Lord Commisar
Lord General

Kommando Nob

To be determined...
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Nehkrosis » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 6:00 pm

Cool, but why? Are there particular reasons, like are some just pure weak, or what?
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby PianoMan » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 6:28 pm

anyone who thinks farseer is better than warlock is simply trash
anyhow ra wl pc and lc stand out, ork heroes are all top tier
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby RedReVenge » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 6:31 pm

Nehkrosis wrote:Cool, but why? Are there particular reasons, like are some just pure weak, or what?

That's just his opinion. Also you need to specify, 1v1? 2v2? Or 3v3?

Elite mod is "built" for 1v1. Or atleast they try to balance everything to that level. Certain commanders perform far better in 1v1 than 2v2 or 3v3 (see WSE, LA, etc).

Like in League, you're going to get good and bad matchups with your hero vs other heroes. Also, matchups can go from 50:50 to 80:20 based on map design/layout (like most games).

In the end, I would say that almost every Hero is viable, or at least can be played at an Intermediate-high level.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Element » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 8:14 pm

Techmarine- Various means of situation- versatility with arguably greater application of delivery. Of which he excels at melee, ranged, and as a strategic positional commander because of wargear options from mines, construct- like the turret and beacon with good support abilities in crowd control, single target D.P.S. and A.o.E. crowd control. Finally his Globals are directed towards the most critical element in most strategic games, which are vehicles which with blessings of the omnisiah, keep them a while for a lot longer especially given you can repair your vehicles with your commander. Simply put he's the the most well-rounded + character in the S.M. roster.

Force Commander- a beat stick when outfitted with all the right wargear for each match- up, but can be neutralized to an extent if the army around him falls apart at which point as long as their are enough ranged weapons can easily just like surround sound shut him down hard. That being said this makes him a bullet magnet as he generates a lot of Aggro. The weakness of the faction is generally in A.V. and he covers that in his unique melee stance with the power fist. that being said, to outfit him cost a lot in expenditure, and as said the delivery is not as crisp as having a ranged weapon like techmarine's melta gun.

- Usually requires upgrades to be made effective in any sense throughout T1. where as the other commanders can actually make it through T1 without having to have a purchase. Nice health buffs. and crowd control capability, However he fails considerably to other dedicated melee heroes. and has absolutely no A.V. potential outside of using the combat stimulants to help support but no direct applications himself, which would be ok if he were faster like other melee heroes who lack A.V. such as the warlock and the lictor alpha, except they have greater opportunist potential because of their abilities which augment their positioning drastically with infiltration, and Fleet of Foot. The wargear is suited to help out in the department, but arguabl fails when taken into consideration that burst are more important than outright speed modifier buffs to run all over the field if the outright killing potential of the said unit is high which with both of those characters is towards taking out models, his is towards support models with heals and crowd control. a different philosophy of play but given he has such a low starting health pool as it is, makes him vastly weaker in contention with the others given his D.P.S. output with upgrades and melee attack wind up speed in relations to the others for the health.

ask a more so dedicated O.M. player, I haven't played them in a long time, but mainly from playing them the brother captain is very well suited as being a tank who can tie up squads much like the Hive Tyrant and the Chaos Lord but his support abilities though descent to good, are not as augmentable i.m.o, as the new Daemonhunter in the same situations when it comes to be a question of holding units vs. inflicting losses with sustain. that being said the Brother Captain recieved a ludicrous buff the last patch from the Mantle of Terra upgrade changes to grant radial health back to squads. and is something I have yet to encounter yet, and would indeed make him the best O.M. hero as Red- Revenge pointed out.

Mekboy- is just everything the apo wishes he could be with the exception of having no melee, but instead having a Non- Melee Enabled- in theKustom Force Field ability to shutdown other melee units, which can arguably be vastly greater in instances when engaging high priority units for cost efficiency. But he naturally compliments weaknesses, especially in T1 of the faction roster by being able to teleport around and harrass units, capping, and when it comes to chasing vehicles since he can teleport shoot after them. not to mention he has very situationally good ranged options from single target D.P.S. to Crowd control with the deff gun.- which however sucks in currents form as it has absolutely piss poor damage output even when the unit begins closing in at ranged. that being said, he also can heal units, and tie up units more so efficiently than the other commanders, while still having strategic options with the turret- which also for the same reason as the deff gun- upgrade is piss poor, because it does absolutely no damage at almost any range for its cost. He won't take out any units by himself, but he will pressure and bleed them which is more than enough given what he can already do. Finally his globals are unequivacaly better than the other 2 commanders globals i.m.o. due to the critical element of key priority target situation enhancement. The infiltration ability is good but can be shutdown with detectors and is best used in T1. but can be used well in later tiers to hide units of position of ambush as oppossed to outright hunting when it came to T1. the Warboss' buffs make all da boiz betta in that fighty pit but, one has to ask whether they were really needed? when the sluggas, stormboys, and Nobs all perform just perfectly fine without them. The mekboy's however address the enhancement towards the most critical elements. Vehicles. One outright buffs the speed on units which when combined with the deff dread and the wartrukk make them absolutely amazing in situations of just making to the other side for that quick intra tier full gen- bash, to chasing down a vehicle if one uses the bustas in a trukk strategy to take out other transport vehicles. Each of which dealing with the critical element of upgrades, unit purchases, and tanks. the other outright makes sure you will put out the necessary A.V. shots to take out a vehicle with the speed modifier towards shooting. which is spectacular towards taking out vehicles. Vehicles make and break games, and any commander who can augment other units abilities towards taking them out naturally has a greater standing than those which cannot for their appliation.

Kommando Nob- I actually don't play him, But I very much respect him. He has great ranged and melee potential. Great ambush and wipe potential, better than the other 2 commanders. finally he augments and supports units in wiping units out from ranged often is the case, or just straight up blowing them away with Kaboom, or the Customized shotgun. His anti-vehicle weapon is definitely better than the mekboy's as well, the problem is, it comes a tier to late for my likings to play him competitively, especially now that the Kommando call- in was moved to T3. with that globably in T2. I'd be saying he is the best but for that reason alone he is second in my view. because Kommandos are a spectacular unit which would aboslutey excel in engagements against most T2< units, and be effective against the vehicles still being put out and the Highly armored units with crowd control. Such a great unit that is only not seen because i.m.o. They don't come out when the would be most usfeul, and are not as critical as picking up a tank in the late game, which won't bleed you any resources when engaging.

The Warboss- Excels in melee like no other. As he should or he would be just plain trash. I personally almost always take him with the Enhanced Kustom Shootas and one if not both the melee upgrades in addition to an armor and an accessory upgrade in every match. That is strength. The Versality of the Weapons for the situation. The enhanced kustom shoota can really can just screw an engagement, when that angry warlock, Force Commander, and Lictor Alpha think they have a bone to pick with you, and you just say nope. and then gun him down in position with the aid of shootas. I mean their is no question he is the troll face commander of other melee commanders, as if he weren't, he would be trash. in Melee the bang bang hammer in T1, can literally just win melee engagments by itself, not to mention the pressure and augmentation buffs towards other melee units in the radius whenever he hits. The only problem of this guy is his speed. I mean he just doesn't make it around the field fast enough is the main problem. and when he does, one has to be very careful of his approach when it comes to suppression set- up teams. that being said, while he can harrass. ranged harrassment as an application is often better if you don't have a shield on you, or mass amounts of health/application suited towards allowing you to close the distance unscathed/largely unscathed for no cost. hence the Force Commander, Brother Captain, Chaos Lord, Hive Tyrant, HELL even the Techmarine, then you have your Lictor Alpha infiltrating and the Farseer can support herself using her fortune ability largely mitigating any ranged incoming damage. one could say, that is what the Warboss is actually missing, he has the angry bitz as a means to jump-start him into the melee, but it is easily counterable in relations to the other applications and is why he sits in the third slot. if you gave him some kind of momentary shield generator from an ability then we would be talking about him being the best commander in the roster, because he does have the Warlclaw which makes him able to take on walker vehicles and come out on top, and his globals very much give great support towards the wiping and saving of units.

Hive Tyrant
-Ask a more dedicated Tyranid player, but from my personal take being on the opposite side. Health, is well Health which is Health. I mean that was the big problem of that stupid 2x- Ravener Alpha build on top of what they are already capable of with their absurd ranged dps and ability to counter act set =up teams and ranged blobs because they can jump. in retrofect- everything A.S.M. wish they were but aren't for more cost.

I mean you literally can just park this unit in front of a blobb of my units and in exchange, for forcing him off, I lose my powerfarm to 3x- gaunts taking out gens under melee aura protection for being in melee. It's just that simple. He has a more realiable angry bitz than the warboss because he has a shield and is a large unknockable down target. finally his ranged upgrades make him great at dealing with set up teams, and vehicles which are critical units. especially the vehicles.

The Lictor Alpha sits at T2 because well, everybody knows what that flash hook wipe feels like, let a lone the immediate retreat moment upon seeing =this dood just cut down model after model in single squad- squad combat which s can better than outright tank sustain if bleed is more critical than just holding up the whoel force as a squad application. the problem is that the Hive Tyrant does this far more better for his role as Tyranids are all about taking advantage of time. Time without upgrades to counter act the Raveners. Time without A.V. to counter act the Tyrant Guard. Time without dedicated Heavy A.V. to take out Carnifexes. they are an over run force for a reason. They outrun you with units, or having applications which grant them superior engagment prowess in time intervals where nobody has availability to the counters to them. Which one can say is one of the strongest aspects about Tyranids over other factions in the game, which without, probably would make them a trash tier faction. because of how they really can't hold up in engagements after their initial premier without something being there which turns the tide because it simply stands to be largely uncounterable.

Ravener Alpha- I really want to like this guy. but simply put, he doesn't make tunnels as fast as he used to. I mean that is his strength unequivocally when taking into account he doesn't put out the damage like the other commanders, and in harrassment role, the lictor alpha can considerably said to be the better candidate given his access to better harrasment weapons during harrasment phases of the game. I mean dont mis understand he is good in the right hands. and his damage aura synapse with catalyst on venom brood is undoubtedly the hardest hitting A.V. in the game when combined with him using the corrossive devourer upgrade. the problem is he a strategic commander you purchase so as to constantly be able to change the angle on the other player. but now it has a whopping like I think 120 second cooldown which is totally crazy. I mean if you can't find a tunnel in 60 seconds you have some serious problems let a lone 2mins. His strength cam from being able to put out more tunnels than you could find. And while you got one, you missed the other, and now he's bashing your power, and back in time to counter your bash as well. I mean that mass amount of mobility would make him the strongest commander probably in the game for the cost of no red gating in itself, given his other applications in strategem with the factions strengths, but You can't have broken economy mechanics, what was once though now being changed with cost nerfs- timely uncounterable units, and Vast army teleportation all at the same time. With this recent change they are hitting the 2nd last saving grace to Tyranids T1 unvincable T1. and putting them in line with what they should be, but now they may be close to hitting garbage tier because, while I don't play as much Tyranids as I once have, can tell you, there really isn't much going for them other than that when it comes to unit- unit standings of engagement when it comes to capability, versatility, and synergy.

Imperial Guard
- The Lord Commissar- he's that guy that literally just says "Im gonna wreck this person's whole career." I mean literally this guy is just that fing guy. Comes in running like Usain Bolt with a power sword swings and just sends all your units flying. and is just simply put that push element which this faction already has in ample with sentinels puts on steroids. especially when you can just shutdown a set up team with flare. Then his support buffs are spectacular. He just naturally augments this faction's need for great pushing prowess with outright war fisted damage.

The Lord General- is what more so laid back and seasoned commander plays. They know sustain> than outright damage if you have the army to back it up. and with his ability to reinforce out on the field, and still be descent in tieing up units with melee, this makes him a good pick for the player who wants to just have the tools to beat you back and counter you with their whole force than being dependent on one lingering outlier like the Lord Commissar. It really does come down to player style more than who is better that being said. the Lord General just feels like he can wipe units far better than the Lord General who is more suited towards just outright winning the game, especially with the call in- of a leman russ. to top it all off in a nice military boxed bow.

The Inquisitor,is like that commander you like because he offers tactical play which you didn't know you could have but the question becomes, does the positional play stand be stronger than the tactical given those tactical elements are necessarily needed. She has great crowd control but, they are already have great crowd control. Stomp, O'l Reliable, Suppression Teams, Spotters, Ogryns running in to combat. I mean it really is just not necessary to have more A.V. except for that suited towards individual entities as opposed to squadrons. with her witches of the hammer ability. I mean she is good in melee when outfitted and has a more so great A.V. reliable weapon than the Lord Commisar's powerfists, but she doesn't have that outfright beatstick potential in melee that the Lord Commissar has which is more suited towards wiping squads. And that is what she is missing, her wipe potential is too low for a unit that stands in this hybrided role of a position in amongst the Lord Commissar that doesn't excel at either holding up the position nor in outright taking out the oppossing force with squad wipe set- ups.

The Farseer- the commander very few can play to fullest potential because she has so much going for her, but requires great care to be able to put out in practice. which is why many consider the Warlock to be better- because nobody wanna put in all that work for the possibility that you might have in its greatest play a Warlock that trades in an explosive Attack for game deciding augmentation buffs given out to other squads. It really is a question of
are you a sharing person, or are you a person who would rather just do it all on your own. I mean an Time Fielded eldritch Storm, guide fire prisms and wraithguard, with poke potential given towards Dire Avengers. squad directed crowd control, damage buff modiers, it really is all about the application with this commander. but what cannot be discounted is the timely fashioned Seer Council purchase and the Farsight abilities allowing you to gauge a sense of the battle display of another player's formation before a decisive engagement. I mean information is everything in war. who is where, who has what? In what condition is whom? how long will it take? I mean if you can answer those kinds of questions with a click, you are setting yourself up to be very successful. In World War II Nazi German Commanders debated as to where they thought the Allied forces would approach and as to what units they wish to have situated where. If memory serves me correct, they got it wrong. and the rest is history.

It really is like that. Farseer's are for planners and the rest of the support abilities she has really do make for great opportunities when tied with units a faction of high synergy.

The Warlock- he's like a force commander but faster tbh. he's that fing guy, that if you don't take out, will run through your force and force off your entire force. and he'll do so quickly, the difference between him and Tyranids, is that he isn't backed by a horde for saturation as a multiplier but more so wants to catch you fing yourself when you don't order the retreat like you should have done when you saw an entire Eldar Froce literally at Moch 5 due to the Swift Global, running right at you. and With a smeer of Eldar preordained superiority calls you an idiot as he brings much like the Farseer in the trailer video for the game slitting both of your hearts with no remorse and spiteful indifference. He has great crowd control abilities and really brings out the best in banshees as well. hence making him more so an Infantry support melee commander, where as the Farseer can support ranged and melee at the cost of not having as good melee prowess in cutting down models more sothat of outlasting them until further support arrives when she puts fortune on herself and why she is nicknamed the minwarboss.

The Warpspider Exarch- ask anyone and most will say this dude is ehh. I mean crack shot and calling in warpspiders truly is great don't misunderstand. the probem is that the game is about more than capping. He is a harrassment commander, but it takes quite a pretty penny to make him really excel at it in being able to timely take out models. The greatest problem of this commander is his drop-off when other units begin taking upgrades and often being granted vast health boost to sport it. making that damage output of burst ranged which in T1 is ludicrous it feels, become more so respectably felt. It will take out models, just not nearly as fast, and well, now you have a commander with not much support abilities, not much damage capabilities in ranged nor melee, and really just has the ability to teleport around. which is why many warpspider players I have been playing against buy the group teleporting armor so as to have at least "that something" wich makes him useful at something. in this case strategic offset positioning. Nothing like a banshee squad coming in from a direction they have no business coming in from and wiping a squad. or a full gen farm coming down, when you had it totally locked down from all the approaches only to realize, they just "Materialized" there was no approach to guard from.

-Ask a more so experienced Chaos Player
but for the most part.
The Sorcerer just has great synergies with support buffs towards dealing with vehicles, wiping squads, and most critically saving units. this makes him all-rounded, and with teleportation you can counter quite a lot or problem that the other 2 commanders would have otherwise. he just doesn't have that much damage. He does well in taking out soft units and finishing heavy units.

The Chaos Lord
-"Stand before me and squirm as my awesome powa"- while the rest of my army tears apart your generator farm. in later tiers it really becomes all about the speed buffs granted by worship- his globals, and life steal.

Plague Champion
- The guy is just too fing slow for this damn game mode. and doesn't have the versatility to boot. He can take out a gen farm on his own but noise marines are better suited towards doing that and countering a full force of ranged units. He can cut down people pretty darn well in melee, but he requires quite a hefty tax to do so. Healing is great from worship, but not when you have to constantly move around the field. The one thing he does have going for him, is that he has the only direct A.V. option and his 2 globals are quite when it comes to finishing off units or countering units.
Last edited by Element on Fri 06 Mar, 2020 8:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Atlas » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 8:32 pm

Brahs, please, I got you.


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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Paranoid Kamikaze » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 9:03 pm

There are no bad heroes and they're all viable. Tell them to play whatever interests them as they'll try harder to improve that way.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Element » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 9:07 pm

Paranoid Kamikaze wrote: by Paranoid Kamikaze » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:03 pm

There are no bad heroes and they're all viable. Tell them to play whatever interests them as they'll try harder to improve that way.

But there are better heroes :P
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Dachshund » Fri 06 Mar, 2020 9:52 pm

By the way, is there imba maps I shoud avoid hosting?
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Torpid » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 2:03 am

Dachshund wrote:By the way, is there imba maps I shoud avoid hosting?

There's loads of imbalanced maps. But that's good! In tournaments the maps are re-rolled or selected by players. This adds a different element of strategy.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Atlas » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 2:14 am

Do I need to make a tier list for maps now too?
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Torpid » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 2:18 am

Struggling on the mekboy/warboss. Think MB is the best out of the 3, though obviously it is MU dependent. MB could definitely pass for A as well. Warboss is right behind him.

My definition of "best" here for the tiers was who performs best on average in any given MU (so the average of all... 21 MUs) and I assume near-perfect level of skill between both players in these MUs, so top-down analysis.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Toilailee » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 2:57 pm

Why is the termi FC on those lists? REEE
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby RedReVenge » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 3:15 pm

This thread shows you how subjective this is.....
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby PianoMan » Sat 07 Mar, 2020 3:33 pm

RedReVenge wrote:This thread shows you how subjective this is.....

shows that 2 top tier players have the same opinions on the tiers
obviously me and torpid are always right
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Torpid » Sun 08 Mar, 2020 2:00 am

Toilailee wrote:Why is the termi FC on those lists? REEE

Because Atlas is a memelord and you know it.

Give your list Toilet.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Inekura » Sun 08 Mar, 2020 2:20 am

You should be really careful who you listen to.
Some players got a way better understanding of the game than others.
Some who don't have a clue still like to share their opinion so watch out :)
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Paranoid Kamikaze » Sun 08 Mar, 2020 2:26 am

Torpid is absolutely right. Force Commander is shit. Buff back Alacrity.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Asmon » Sun 08 Mar, 2020 12:53 pm

Nice try Kami.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Nehkrosis » Mon 09 Mar, 2020 2:04 pm

Awesome posts. Good that I have talking points I can bring up. I've noticed there's definitely fail builds and optimal builds for characters.
Like you'll never take Axe of the Mechanicus and Signum armour together, you'd take bionics etc.

Any opinions on these yourselves?
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby SaintKelly » Tue 10 Mar, 2020 8:31 am

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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Tex » Wed 11 Mar, 2020 11:07 am

Torpid wrote:Image
Struggling on the mekboy/warboss. Think MB is the best out of the 3, though obviously it is MU dependent. MB could definitely pass for A as well. Warboss is right behind him.

My definition of "best" here for the tiers was who performs best on average in any given MU (so the average of all... 21 MUs) and I assume near-perfect level of skill between both players in these MUs, so top-down analysis.

I think you would be correct to place the Mekboy above the warboss and certainly above the knob. I disagree with placing the Apo above the TM. I think they are the same tier (ish). I also think that the Knob should swap tiers with the FC, but otherwise it looks about right.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby PianoMan » Wed 11 Mar, 2020 11:42 am

FC is nowhere near as dominant as the knob is in certain matchups and offers very little compared to knob, if anything knob deserves a better spot on the tier list and FC can stay right next to CL
If I were to make a 2v2 version of this tier list, knob would be S tier alongside farseer, mekboy in B tier with warboss
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Bruce Campbell » Wed 11 Mar, 2020 2:07 pm

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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby crog » Wed 11 Mar, 2020 5:21 pm

Torpid wrote:Image
Struggling on the mekboy/warboss. Think MB is the best out of the 3, though obviously it is MU dependent. MB could definitely pass for A as well. Warboss is right behind him.

My definition of "best" here for the tiers was who performs best on average in any given MU (so the average of all... 21 MUs) and I assume near-perfect level of skill between both players in these MUs, so top-down analysis.

Don't agree on WL since he has no options VS vehicles.
PC at top1 since he can counter every build. I would Def. rank FC and tm higher
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby PianoMan » Wed 11 Mar, 2020 7:33 pm

race with the best av options has a hero that is weak against vehicles :thinking:
this is why you'd be put in the D tier if we made a player tier list
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Inekura » Thu 12 Mar, 2020 1:24 am

Now we need a player tier list
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby RedReVenge » Thu 12 Mar, 2020 4:44 am

Inekura wrote:Now we need a player tier list

Piano would be in the B tier.
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Re: How would you guys Tier Heroes right now?

Postby Paranoid Kamikaze » Thu 12 Mar, 2020 5:40 am

E tier when tilted.

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