Rally Point for Khorne Shrines: quality of life request or git gud?

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Rally Point for Khorne Shrines: quality of life request or git gud?

Postby oLev » Fri 21 Jul, 2017 5:31 am

Could a rally point be added to Khorne Shrines so that daemons that spawn from it automatically walk to a designated point?
This way it could be built say behind a shotblocker some distance from a point you want your daemons to guard and it would maximize their presence in that area instead of wasting energy just chillin near the shrine.
Of course it is theoretically possible to micro each newly spawned daemon into the fight but between noticing them spawning, selecting them and sending them into the fight, a fair chunk of their time in the materium is wasted and a panicked box select often sends the wrong units forward to shed their own blood for the Blood God.
Since the other shrines derive all of their benefits without much micro requirement I feel it's fair feature to add for the Khorne shrine.
Then again it might be OP to have free units automatically streaming forward to give scouting and hold up advances for no cost, kind of like original swarmhosts in SC2.

Re: Rally Point for Khorne Shrines: quality of life request or git gud?

Postby Atlas » Fri 21 Jul, 2017 5:45 am

I say we nerf the every loving sh*t out of Khorne Shrines!

Idk, we can see if it sticks. Not sure how they spawn actually.
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Re: Rally Point for Khorne Shrines: quality of life request or git gud?

Postby Torpid » Fri 21 Jul, 2017 7:02 am

Git Gud.

Skill ceiling higher.
Lets make Ordo Malleus great again!

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