Extra Bits from MRT discussion

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Extra Bits from MRT discussion

Postby Element » Mon 18 Apr, 2016 5:37 pm

-Suggested I should move all my extra to another forum given they were sidetracking from what would be the main topic as people were incurring to ask questions to that of which I agree.

Targeting- *Customizing Keybinding mechanics*
So If you are capping a point and enemy unit is behind. I use the T hotkey. Then My unit will continue capping but face and shoot the oncoming enemy unit?

As of the moment, yes, that would seem to be the case, though only if you actually have the "Target" DOW2 software mechanic ability assigned to the hotkey, which in this case I use as T, you have a ranged weapon, and you having the range to actually fire upon that designated unit. (Though perhaps you may still turn around given you don't have a ranged wepaon, and range to the target. I am just notating what were the conditions when this affect actually applied itself.)

"Retreating Vastly-Spread out units"
So this say, when my units get spread-out during an AOE knock-back. If I press the retreat key, they will have to regroup( at the U.C.S) before retreating, and thus are subject to being wiped. Instead I should just pull them back till they regroup then hit retreat?

-Honestly I can't be too sure about this one given this wasn't necessarily the scenario I was referring to, though this is still rather close to what I was trying to previously mention from before, to which I would say yes indeed. However, I would actually perform this first so as varify this relationship before the next MRT. I am not completey sure as to whether this would be true in all complete actuality *I don't want to give out false information that may cause others to subject to unfortunate future events :( *.)

Though to give an Example of what you were referring to.:
-In the post ceding moments upon that of which your units were knocked down- are still in a disoriented effect- and relatively still subject to the affects of the ability; they may be subject to that of what would be taking more damage from a "pre-guided retreat": taking into consideration the unit types, features, and many other aspects being used will naturally also affect those relationships in regards to the modifiers of where, when, and how you choose to go about that of facilitating, instigating, and initiating that of this said *retreat*.)

Say, you found yourself being subject to the unfortunate situationally developing circumstances of 1.) a spotter team hitting your units, spreading them far thin out of what would be normal unit model coherency, and then for say 2.) a guardsman infantry squad laying in effective ranged support burst/"D.oT."/piercing laser flash light damage, with for that of say 3.) an ogryn squad coming in for what would be the sweep with their heavy melee burst, >Charge Sweep> Ripper Ranged pierce burst damage to finish you off in retreat; It may be worth your while not to retreat immediately and instead subjectively guide your unit faction models or more rather if the situation is truly dire like in the case of having only 3 units in a squad of forsary (A set-up team infantry squad), *1 unit model* of that squad around for say a L.o.S. blocking terrain piece, (where), in that of the instance upon having finally recovered (when) and not subjecting yourself to what would be an immediate *DOW2 software mechanic* regarding unit model coherency (Retreat), and therefore then being able to Retreat upon having had at least one of the models safely exit the area (how you would choose to about that of the relationship). Given that units (usually, though not necessarily always) tend to approach, melee, & fire, (in correspondence to that of relational sense of focus) at that of what would be the closest models to their natural engagement arc base of ranged radial distance.

Therefore, as they are finishing off the other closest units, the one unit that was indeed, out of range and focus fire of the rest of those units, may indeed have a great chance so as to that of successfully escape, elude, and avoid being wiped off of the field given you did not retreat that unit immediately> subject them all to consolidate, congregate, and collect themselves in what would be the normal unit coherency and present themselves as an easier unit to take damage from given that of what would be the additional melee modifiers towards that of what would be retreating units.

"The Art of the Charge- When to begin the retreat pursuance sweep"

-Normal Ranged with melee tendencies Units ( Use ranged stance first, then utilize melee, then ranged for max dmg). (+)

"Slightly Modified Version"
-Melee Counter Parts without, relatively with, and with a charge.
(1.) Use personal conscious judgement to account for the approaching unit's retreat path.
(2.) Gather a consensus of the rate of velocity at which they are approaching not just your unit, but the pathway of retreat you are looking to intercept, without assuming more rather sensing their retreat path directory.
(3.) Use personal conscious judgement to account for the your own approach to that of what would be their retreat path.
(4.) Notate your own unit faction model's rotation speed.
(5.) Finally, account for the jostlement of models that takes place as they run through your units.

-Melee Counter Parts with a charge and animation. (Use ranged stance, then wait till units is slightly past, then melee stance to initiative the "chase" mechanic.)(+)

- Unless you know you can otherwise facilitate, instigate, and initiate the charge and obtain (the "Full affect cycle" length of the charge animation). There is an actual relationship where upon having been under the affects of the charge for so long you are more so likely to initiate without too many animational affects giving you problems. How i would look at the relationship is like this...

1.) Charge Affect Animation> 2.) Charge length distance as space, time, and continuance undergoes affect> 3.) and then the actual instance of having made contact with the said unit. Every unit has that *Niche* charge distance length after having facilitating, instigating, and initiating the charge where a.) the charge b.) with the swing and c.) the connection of the charge, the swing, and the hit are at its finest.

You should really make a separate thread if not multiple for the extra tit-bits of information Anomoly.

That wall of text is going to:
A) Encourage nobody to read the wall of text

B) Encourage people who would otherwise have commented on Sector 95's viability as a map pool in the MRT to not comment.

I indeed agree.
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