Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Jungle • 10:25

Thu 23 Mar 2023 @ 18:02
DoW II Elite
ID: 56416967/147079

DL Zog it

Kingfisher RA
1914 ± 82 1918 ± 82

Sait WB
1500 ± 350 1453 ± 305
02:25Kingfisherhave you found our discord yet?
02:29Kingfishersome good info for begineers
02:38Kingfisherand other beginners are there to, makeing matchups
02:48Saitsorry no
03:00Kingfishergood place to start if you want to get through the learnign curve
03:22Saitcontrol points is usually type of match?