Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 08:37

Wed 25 Jan 2023 @ 2:52
DoW II Elite
ID: 55761147/140768

DL Zog it

Rutank BC
1593 ± 83 1600 ± 82

Paul Keating FC
1343 ± 280 1281 ± 238
00:13Rutankwent om to mix it up
00:19Paul Keatingok
06:09Rutankyou need to upgrade your scouts to have leader
06:15Rutankit gives them so much more HP
06:23Paul Keatingok
06:35Rutankand shotguns so that my melee guys get absolutely rekt
07:07Rutankthere you go
07:14Rutanknow throw a nade
07:51Rutankthe shield is really good when the enemy has a lot of ranged damage
08:04Rutankotherwise you need to use the sword or wait till t2 to get hammer or power fist
08:24Paul Keatingthx
08:33Paul Keatinggg