Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 19:35

Fri 2 Dec 2022 @ 23:04
DoW II Elite
ID: 55039244/134673

DL Zog it

Ugh! the Apeman TM
1809 ± 193 1779 ± 180

Grantovich LG
2105 ± 161 2127 ± 154
00:13Ugh! the Apemanglhf
11:43Ugh! the Apemangoofy ah game
12:03GrantovichYou allowed me too much in t1
12:09Ugh! the Apemani goofed
13:03Ugh! the Apemanot even on my way to t1
13:04Ugh! the Apemanbtw
13:08Ugh! the Apemant2*
18:26Ugh! the Apemanuh oph
19:30Ugh! the Apemangg
19:31Ugh! the ApemanxD