Elite Stats & Leagues

Imperial Plaza • 15:51

Mon 21 Nov 2022 @ 18:30
DoW II Elite
ID: 54915005/133919

DL Zog it

Sóstenes FS
1572 ± 49 1582 ± 49

Ugh! the Apeman PC
1857 ± 166 1740 ± 157
00:11Ugh! the Apemanglhf
03:11Sóstenesoh no
03:15Ugh! the Apeman?
03:27Sóstenesdidnt gave the last hit
04:30Ugh! the Apemanyum
06:07Ugh! the Apemanoh
15:50Ugh! the Apemangtg
15:51Ugh! the Apemanre?