Elite Stats & Leagues

Kathrin purification plant • 09:15

Wed 28 Sep 2022 @ 16:28
DoW II Elite
ID: 54322462/129003

DL Zog it
00:09brotherryu3gl hf
03:14Comrade Ducksry
03:46Gorguts5go next?
04:37Gorguts53 snipers
04:39Gorguts5is a dogshit build
04:50Inquisitor_Lordsniper spam
07:01Gorguts5im not playing this out
07:11Kingfisherplay the game
07:14Kingfisherits what you came her to do?
07:24Gorguts5we have absolutely no staying power in mid
07:28Gorguts5because of double sniper team
08:00Inquisitor_Lordi going to help
09:02Kingfisherwell i just got sb