Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 11:21

Tue 30 Aug 2022 @ 8:47
DoW II Elite
ID: 54043493/125850

DL Zog it

Inori best grill CS
1777 ± 118 1781 ± 117

Plaguegenheimen PC
1184 ± 298 1167 ± 285
00:12Inori best grillgl hf
00:21Plaguegenheimeni train plag
00:25Plaguegenheimengl hf
00:36Inori best grilli got sorc
08:07Plaguegenheimenwhat i du wrong?
08:52Inori best grilli cant say sure
08:57Inori best grilli need to see replay
11:00Plaguegenheimengues its is end
11:10Plaguegenheimeni have no energy
11:19Inori best grillgg