Elite Stats & Leagues

Jarilo's Forge • 16:59

Thu 25 Aug 2022 @ 6:41
DoW II Elite
ID: 53992670/125360

DL Zog it

Varscona AP
1213 ± 267 1209 ± 263

Ziltoid - The Omniscient CS
2008 ± 98 2010 ± 98
00:06Ziltoid - The Omniscientgl hf
00:08Varsconahf gl
10:19Varsconanice bugs
10:22Ziltoid - The Omniscient?
10:27Varsconano jump, energy drained
10:38Varsconabg wp
10:42Ziltoid - The Omniscientgg
10:46Varsconanot really