Elite Stats & Leagues

Outer Reaches • 28:19

Tue 28 Jun 2022 @ 15:11
DoW II Elite
ID: 53278052/118623

DL Zog it

Strider FS
1919 ± 109 1925 ± 107

Anter LC
1518 ± 72 1515 ± 71
10:01Striderthis map is garbage
10:05Striderjust narrow corridors
10:09StriderI'm never playing it again
10:18Striderimagine playing with a melee army
11:05Anterif u go banshees or anything melee im gone ont his map
11:10Striderlol how?
11:14Strideryou just bottleneck them
11:20Stridershooting and arty beats everything here
12:40Stridereveryone is getting stuck all the time
12:43Striderworst map ever
12:57Striderit's literally unplayable