Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 10:45

Thu 23 Jun 2022 @ 13:10
DoW II Elite
ID: 53188475/117999

DL Zog it

Ls.Choko_Bambus WS
2065 ± 69 2063 ± 69

SenpaiTorpidDow TM
2666 ± 328 2684 ± 311
00:11Ls.Choko_Bambusits funny how my banshees died
00:14Ls.Choko_Bambuswhat was that a global?
00:19SenpaiTorpidDowbio meltdown
00:30SenpaiTorpidDow200 red global, hurts the EA but he becomes a portable nurgle cloud
00:40SenpaiTorpidDowand it makes his death explosion do more damage too
06:23<] Alex [>ahhhh
06:39Ls.Choko_Bambusand thats why i think SM are op
06:42Ls.Choko_Bambusfucking scouts of all thiungs
06:50SenpaiTorpidDowthats why elite made rangers so cheap and 6 pop
06:52SenpaiTorpidDowto stop that shit
07:06Ls.Choko_Bambusrangers rae better in retail
07:31SenpaiTorpidDowfor generic fighting ye
07:34SenpaiTorpidDowbut not for detecting
10:31Ls.Choko_Bambusah gg
10:39Ls.Choko_Bambusi cant deal with 3x fully upgraded scouts
10:41Ls.Choko_Bambusdont know how