Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 24:25

Thu 23 Jun 2022 @ 12:58
DoW II Elite
ID: 53188098/117997

DL Zog it

Ls.Choko_Bambus WS
2066 ± 69 2065 ± 69

SenpaiTorpidDow EA
2643 ± 350 2666 ± 328
00:07Ls.Choko_Bambusare you sm or om?
00:14Ls.Choko_Bambusi see
01:00Ls.Choko_Bambusi tried eversor a few gams, seems fun
01:10SenpaiTorpidDowbest one vs eldar i think
01:14SenpaiTorpidDowhence I'm playing him lel
02:06<] Alex [>lol
04:57<] Alex [>noooo
22:15Ls.Choko_Bambuswats with the dps lol
22:23SenpaiTorpidDowfully upgraded Ist
22:44<] Alex [>wish they had still nade launchers
23:17Ls.Choko_Bambusthat seems so stronk
24:14Ls.Choko_Bambusi dont know all the OM units
24:17Ls.Choko_Bambusor wargear
24:19SenpaiTorpidDowthat's a tank
24:20Ls.Choko_Bambusgg wp