Elite Stats & Leagues

Jarilo's Forge • 08:37

Sun 23 Jan 2022 @ 13:28
DoW II Elite
ID: 51227075/99532

DL Zog it

Bread AP
1643 ± 119 1638 ± 118

2140 ± 130 2145 ± 128
00:13[FEG] F_Falso dont be afraid to invest in t1
00:19[FEG] F_Fu can go asm+dev
00:48[FEG] F_Fi u manage to bash me in t1 i will not outtech u
02:23Breadaccient retreat
02:33[FEG] F_Flol
02:38[FEG] F_Fdid u overwatch scouts?
03:01[FEG] F_For going for 3scout asm build?
05:56Breadok I totally forgot about power
07:16[FEG] F_Fovercommited to useless fights
08:10Breadweird apo keeps going to melee
08:30Breadanyway screwed up a lot here
08:33Breadqq wp\