Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 13:27

Sun 23 Jan 2022 @ 12:49
DoW II Elite
ID: 51226510/99526

DL Zog it

Plumb Dawg LA
1500 ± 350 1316 ± 291

GoldenChicken TM
1434 ± 350 1617 ± 291
00:13GoldenChickenGL HF
00:16Plumb Dawghey hey
00:18Plumb Dawggl hf
00:28GoldenChickenThere's a tournament today?
00:34Plumb Dawgna later this month
00:38Plumb Dawgneed to get some games in
03:28Plumb Dawgshit
03:50Plumb Dawgnice nade
03:53GoldenChickenTy mate
12:20Plumb Dawggg
12:23GoldenChickenGG dude
12:26Plumb Dawgover invested in the genestealers
12:33GoldenChickenTo counter the ASM?
12:35Plumb Dawgand your early micro was strong
12:38Plumb Dawgyea...
12:43GoldenChickenIndeed, I'm quite proud of my 3x scout
12:46GoldenChickenUsed to be terrible
12:49GoldenChickenThe secret sauce was ASM
12:52Plumb Dawgshould of expected the dready with techmarine as well
12:54Plumb Dawgyeaaaaa
12:59Plumb Dawgthey make the early game so hard
13:02GoldenChickenSo true
13:03Plumb Dawgwp
13:05GoldenChickenAnd so hard to counter
13:08GoldenChickenWP as well mate
13:10Plumb Dawgcheers
13:11GoldenChickenGood luck in tourne
13:16Plumb Dawghaha thanks