Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Desert • 11:08

Sat 4 Dec 2021 @ 11:56
DoW II Elite
ID: 50503885/95037

DL Zog it

life CL
2211 ± 141 2237 ± 136

Floid HT
2055 ± 350 1940 ± 267
[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthul
00:02Floidgl hf
01:43Fathomdo you go 2x cultist in this match uo?
01:46[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulye
01:48[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulusually
01:50Fathomthey seem really weak
01:53[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulyou can do 2 tics 2 csm
02:04[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulbut i prefer 2 tics 1 csm havoc + raptor
02:14[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthey are weak t1
02:15[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulsure
02:23[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulbut after ac they can beat horsm
03:56Fathomt2 dread is a must?
04:00[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulnot really
04:03[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulletter first
04:05[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulto deal with warrios
04:12Fathombut genes rape bl
04:23[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulnot if there is worship and csm support
04:46[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulalso AoI for CL helps a lot in this matchup
05:31Fathomfloid is to focused on engagements
05:51Fathomi mean the game is pracically over already
06:06[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulye quite
06:09[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulhe bled too much
06:13[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuland took wrong fights
06:16[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulbut also life played it well
07:21Fathomid have conceded looking at that vp lead
07:36[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuli won a game vs bruce while being on 3 vps
07:38[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthuland he was on 400
07:48[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulso vp matter only if you're even with enemy
08:01[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulok crusher is a mistake
08:10[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulbut it doesn' really matter when he is that ahead
08:36[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulwait floid has only 2 gens
08:46[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthat;s why he is behind in power
10:08Fathomhe has literally been playing for lifes power all game
10:16[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthat;s what you want as nid
10:22[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulfor your enemy to be behind in power
10:38FathomI mean ther is nothing to break the havoc squad though
10:43[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulwdym
10:45Fathomwhy woldnt he change ihis plan
10:48[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthere is ht
10:51[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthere are ravs
11:04Fathomwith 4x counter initiation melee units
11:05[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulthere were ravs*
11:05[BAGAŻNIK] Gordian Vorenthulgg