Elite Stats & Leagues

Jarilo's Forge • 12:47

Sun 26 Sep 2021 @ 17:49
DoW II Elite
ID: 49732083/88042

DL Zog it

Wiggy14 FC
1198 ± 182 1190 ± 179

AlphaLegion BC
1828 ± 240 1839 ± 233
00:06AlphaLegionso kaiju
00:08AlphaLegionstart with strike squad
00:09Wiggy14ql hf
00:22AlphaLegionIST are for support, you don't want to bleed them
00:26AlphaLegionbleed them means losing units
00:39Wiggy14yeah he needs to know all the mechanics like bleed
00:55AlphaLegionone super important thign to learn is cover
06:20AlphaLegionit is very importat to bash power
06:24AlphaLegionit puts your enemy behind
06:27AlphaLegionand protecting yours obviously
06:32AlphaLegionflamers do extra damage vs buidlings
10:20Wiggy14I needed that
10:29AlphaLegionit is also important to not push vehicles that far
10:31AlphaLegionas they usually die
10:39Wiggy14Are you saying I'm greedy ?
11:17AlphaLegionthat dread should've moved straight to base and all focus on the lascannon
11:22AlphaLegionother than that I have no AV
12:40Wiggy14I guess that's qq