Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 19:13

Thu 27 May 2021 @ 13:19
DoW II Elite
ID: 48147191/71964

DL Zog it

The Tenso LA
1925 ± 103 1974 ± 102

Gordian Vorenthul PC
2286 ± 125 2215 ± 122
00:04Gordian Vorenthulhf
00:05Gordian Vorenthulpc
00:10The Tensogl
00:11The TensoLA
06:06Gordian Vorenthullol
06:15The Tensodawn of bugs
06:58Gordian Vorenthulwhy are my units dancing
06:59Gordian Vorenthulwtf
19:10Gordian Vorenthuloh who am i kidding
19:10Gordian Vorenthulgg
19:12The Tensogg