Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 21:07

Wed 3 Mar 2021 @ 4:10
DoW II Elite
ID: 47041600/64252

DL Zog it
00:14Ruthless at Heartgl hf
00:19Ruthless at Heartwingblade beat me w BC
00:22Ruthless at Hearttrying to test it
00:24Ruthless at Heartif it overperforms
00:50CrewfinityOM feel pretty OP lately
00:54Ruthless at Hearti think so
00:56Ruthless at Heartstrikes too good
00:59Ruthless at Heartthen bc ability too good
01:01Crewfinityvs orks anyway
01:11Ruthless at Heartbc globals very good
20:05Ruthless at Heartdidn't realize it wasn't in the right mdoe lol