Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 15:15

Fri 26 Feb 2021 @ 12:00
DoW II Elite
ID: 46978958/63899

DL Zog it

Chuzar LA

Korbo IN
00:09Korbohate the LA more than any other MU tbh
00:24Chuzargg hf
00:33KorboYou hear about the RA bug?
00:39Chuzarno, don't hear
00:48KorboRA into tunnel = all req points reset to +10
09:57KorboRIP, fucked up my micro hard
12:49Korboat this point I'm just bieng stubborn lol
14:37Korbowhat happened
14:42Korbowith my storms
14:44Korbothey just refuse to shoot ???
15:02Korbowell that was ???
15:10Korboeither way it was already over so eh