Elite Stats & Leagues

Median Cliff Mines • 30:56

Mon 6 Jul 2020 @ 18:37
DoW II Elite
ID: 43769356/48684

DL Zog it
01:23Red-Rupee [LIVE!]all on me
01:50DarkHeroi wanted go sniper maybe not
03:01DarkHeroor push
03:04DarkHeroor take them from behind
03:10DarkHerodev here
07:54The Tensoty
08:00DarkHeroall ok?
08:03Red-Rupee [LIVE!]kinda
08:12DarkHerowe low on energy
08:22Red-Rupee [LIVE!]yuep
17:03DarkHerobetter stay back
18:17The Tensoy
18:28DarkHerocast this pls
18:34Red-Rupee [LIVE!]lol
18:40The Tensowhy do I even try
18:45Red-Rupee [LIVE!]epopel already know how bad i amthx
18:53DarkHerou good
18:59DarkHeroemperor protecs u
19:01The Tensoconcede
19:02The Tensoit's over
20:13DarkHerou have nuke?
20:22Red-Rupee [LIVE!]nope
25:33DarkHeroi told u :P
25:37Red-Rupee [LIVE!]hes used liek
25:42Red-Rupee [LIVE!]two ctb and a rocks
30:11Red-Rupee [LIVE!]yikes