Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 10:22

Mon 6 Jul 2020 @ 4:42
DoW II Elite
ID: 43761567/48647

DL Zog it
00:34Telosgl hf
00:56killauteu 2
08:06Telosmaybe double purg
08:17Telosbut you gotta get detectors
08:20Telosif i have lict
08:33Telosthe shotgun squad
08:36Telosforget the name
08:41killauteahhh ok
09:05killautei see them i thought the regular guys were them
09:16Telostheyre detectors
09:21Telosalso useful vs nids
10:06killautegg dude
10:11killauteup for a rematch ?