Elite Stats & Leagues

Ice Station Obelis • 06:05

Fri 3 Jul 2020 @ 6:12
DoW II Elite
ID: 43713460/48410

DL Zog it
00:19PragmaticPotionnow this is a weird ass map
00:22PixiCodeGL HF
00:26PixiCodeyeah im not sure ill use this oen again
03:40PixiCodegreat fucking pathing game thanks.
03:47PragmaticPotionto be fair
03:51PragmaticPotionthe map is full of shit
04:46PixiCodei guess its gg you got 2 shurikens lol
04:54PixiCodeand i have no sent
05:14PixiCodehuge investment but yes already gettign that =/
05:22PragmaticPotionand actually the army composition is not the issue here
05:25PixiCodemeanwhile all mpa control is lost
05:29PragmaticPotionyou invested a lot in the early game
05:31PragmaticPotionto bash me