Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 19:46

Wed 3 Jun 2020 @ 4:22
DoW II Elite
ID: 43257669/46966

DL Zog it
00:08Crewfinityglhf LA
00:20[BH] Rambo-LA?
00:24Crewfinitylictor alpha
00:26[BH] Rambo-ohh
00:39[BH] Rambo-triple homos on the wayyy hahah
18:33[BH] Rambo-literally eldar suck in 1v1 hahah
18:41[BH] Rambo-none of them do much damage
18:45[BH] Rambo-to counter
18:54Crewfinityneed vehicles for that :P
18:55[BH] Rambo-yeah its like its so boring that u always need shuris
19:02[BH] Rambo-yeah or vech
19:06[BH] Rambo-but gg
19:11[BH] Rambo-plus if u had ravs
19:16Crewfinityyeah lol
19:18[BH] Rambo-i still woudlve been done for
19:21Crewfinityravs are just busted
19:23[BH] Rambo-and VB does too much damage
19:28[BH] Rambo-its gay
19:39[BH] Rambo-they dont need to set up but yet they buff VB
19:46[BH] Rambo-idk what the hell was balance lead thinkin